Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing

Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing

Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing If you’re a new author, you may be wondering if self-publishing is the best way to bring your book to market. A lot of the past stigma surrounding self-publishing is gone, but that doesn’t mean this approach is right for everyone....
Should I Buy an ISBN for My Self-Published Book?

Should I Buy an ISBN for My Self-Published Book?

Should I Buy an ISBN for My Self-Published Book? Whether or not to buy an ISBN is a common concern among independent authors. Every format of every book needs one, including self-published books. But how important is it to own your own ISBN, and should you use a free...
Should I Do a KDP Preorder for My Book?

Should I Do a KDP Preorder for My Book?

Should I Do a KDP Preorder for My Book? If you’re publishing a book, you may wonder if setting up a KDP preorder is a good idea. Why wouldn’t you want to extend your selling window and rack up sales before your book has even been published? In fact, there are mixed...

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