Don’t Miss The Top Blog Posts for Independent Authors from 2024

For a while now, I’ve been ending each of our monthly newsletters with a handful of blog posts and articles I’ve found useful, informative, or otherwise interesting. To kick off 2025, I wanted to share some of the best blog posts for independent authors from 2024. Dive in so you can use this insider knowledge the rest of the year and beyond!

(If you’d like to receive a curated list of notable blog posts each month, along with industry news and advice, just click the button below to subscribe to our newsletter.)

You can’t have a successful publication without a great book. Many of the following resources deal with fiction, but much of the advice applies equally to nonfiction. 

Wherever you are in your journey, you’ll find resources to help you move forward. Just bounce to the topic that best suits your needs, and enjoy!

Writing Your Manuscript

If you’re just getting started with your manuscript, these resources will help you stay focused. Whether you’re writing fiction or nonfiction, you won’t want to miss this expert advice on using an effective point of view and interesting characters to create a killer story.

Editing & Revising

Editing is the secret weapon with the power to turn a first draft into a bestseller. Learn how to use beta readers to gain valuable insight into your writing, and steal a few tips from professional editors on tightening and strengthening your WIP. 

Independent Publishing

If you’re thinking about self-publishing your book, these resources will help you understand the publishing landscape. You’ll learn practical tips on navigating the self-publishing process and making the best decisions for your book.

Expanding Your Opportunities

Publishing goes beyond just the printed page. Learn how translations, e-books, and audiobooks can help you reach more readers, increase your revenue, and expand your author career. 

Platform & Positioning

These resources cover everything from blurbs and reviews to optimization and author platforms. Dig in if you want a better understanding of what goes into positioning your book—and yourself—for success.

Book Marketing & Promotion

Because we don’t offer book marketing and promotion in-house, we’re always looking for great resources to share with our clients. From industry heavy-hitters like Penny Sansevieri and Thomas Umstattd Jr. to various ALLi contributors, these marketing experts will demystify the topic and help you understand your options.

Ready to Publish Your Book?

If you’re wondering if self-publishing is right for you, schedule a free author consultation with Spoonbridge Press. We’ll discuss your project, then go over your options so you can decide whether independent publishing is a good fit for your project.

If you’re still deciding, sign up for our newsletter to receive publishing resources and tips right in your inbox! Just fill out the brief form below. You’ll be the first to know about industry updates and special offers from Spoonbridge, and you can unsubscribe any time.

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